NTttcp Utility –
Below are my normal settings I use. Default port is 5001.
That can be changed with the -p parameter
Receiver settings: NTttcp.exe -r -m 16,*,
16 threads run on any core, receiving on IP:
Sender settings: NTttcp.exe -s -m 16,*, -t 30
16 threads run on any core, sending to IP:, for 30 seconds.
At a command prompt type:
net stats work
This will display statistics for the Workstation service. This service starts with the computer, so the uptime for this should be the same
From a CMD
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport udp netsh int ipv6 show dynamicport tcp netsh int ipv6 show dynamicport udp
net stop w32time w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"servername1, servername2" net start w32time w32tm /config /update w32tm /resync /rediscover
Check with:
w32tm /query /status
Event Viewer
Filter System log for event id: 1074
net localgroup administrators